Opening Statement

October 8, 2009

 So many people do little annoying things in public, I happened to pick up on many of them. That makes my aim for this blog  to poke fun at you, at me and at everyone you has indeed done something in public to cause annoyance to at least one person, me , and hopefully you will see the humor in it. I will start you off with a little Limerick I wrote. I was inspired during one of my accounting courses, when I was a business major. I wrote it for my creative writing course, which then caused me to become an English major. I just recently extended it to a serious of five Limerick’s all with the same rhyme scheme.

The Students Pledge

As I sit during class at school,

Being lectured by this esteemed fool,

I will try not to sleep,

Or at least not to peep,

But I cannot help it if I drool.


Then he got up off of his stool,

He thought that he looked, oh so cool.

He stared at me deep.

It made me feel cheap.

Then he noticed my enormous pool.


We then entered into a duel.

He said, “What is that on your desk drool.”

I said, “Oh beep,”

Then began to weep.

He said, “Oh gosh don’t give me that bull.”


He continued, “What do you think me a fool.”

I said, “oh no,” but thought he was a mule,

And then from way down deep

I remembered to keep,

That we as students live by one rule…


As I sit during class at school,

Being lectured by this esteemed fool,

I will try not to sleep,

Or at least not to peep,

But I cannot help it if I drool.


Ever have a professor you just could not stand listening to during class? I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!